I hate the bank I hate the bank I hate the bank...
I don't understand what's going on in this world, when a bank that makes billions of dollars in profits every year can't reimburse an actor, who makes about $10 000 a year, the $2000 that was stolen from her account.
What's the big fucking deal? To them, it's a measly 2 grand. To me, it's 1/5 of my yearly income. It's the difference between being able to pay rent and being fucked up the ass. It's the difference between having a semi-decent low-income existance and getting fucked up the ass, screwed into the dust, while dancing bank trolls gleefully sing the Happy Bank Song about a girl who gets FUCKED UP THE ASS!
The CEO of the Bank of Montreal could probably hand me $2000 cash OUT OF HIS POCKET right now. He probably blows that much on one business lunch. Me, it means I can't go see a dance show I really want to see. I can't pay rent in Toronto for a couple months. I can't throw $1000 at my friend's theatre company so that we can tour on the Fringe this summer.
Well, I guess that's not quite true. I'll hopefully find a way to do all these things. I am lucky to have a roof over my head, rent-free for now, to have a well paying job that will help me get through this, and to have parents who will take pity on me and maybe even help me out a little. A little more. Than they already have, which is a fuck of a lot. I am wayyyy better off than a lot of people in this world. I count my blessings every day. Or at least I try to.
But that doesn't change the fact that I GOT SCREWED OUT OF TWO GRAND and the fucking bank is trying to tell me I'm somehow responsible. And I guess they're right. I didn't protect my PIN well enough. Lesson learned. Thank fucking Christ they didn't take more. But TWO GRAND. I could have gone to Europe for two months. I could have gone to Thailand for two YEARS. I could have put it into my RRSP. I could have started a fund for a down payment on my first house. I could have blown it all on beer, which is probably what I would have done. But still, it was MY MONEY!!!