Mass emails
Okay, I just gotta say something about this. What's the deal with everyone apologizing for mass emails? I'm in theatre. I get a lot of mass emails about shows people are in, CD release parties, poetry readings, things online people have done...
And every single one of them says, "Sorry for the mass email..."
You know what? I'm not sorry. It's the way word is spread these days. It's the way to get your stuff out there. And what's the problem with mass emails, anyway? It's not like I get these things and go, "What??!? The person that I've barely spoken to for three years isn't sending me a special, personal email to tell me about their art gallery opening?? I'm so offended."
Email is advertising. And if it's from a friend, or even an aquaintance, goddam I want to know about it. I enjoy reading people's news and updates, and you know what? If I don't, I can... brace yourself for this... NOT READ THEM. I can delete them. Whoooooaaa!
Part of the reason I started this blog is that I like people to have the option of getting to see another side of me. The side that's not intimidated by crowds and conversation, the side that calmly sits, and thinks, and writes. The last time I sent mass emails, I was travelling in Europe, and I didn't have a blog yet. So I sent a blog-like post every now and then. Not a lot. I was gone for four months, I think I sent maybe, maybe 6 emails.
And one person, who shall remain nameless, actually wrote me and said, "Could you please stop sending me these." I haven't spoken to that person since. I don't understand the logic. If what I have to say is of so little interest to you, send it to your junk mail. Or, you don't even have to do that. Delete it, sight unseen. I don't care! It's not going to hurt my feelings if you don't read my emails. But what is the point, in this day and age, of getting upset about mass emails? I don't understand people who think that way, and I don't understand why everyone's apologizing for every "impersonal" message they send. At least we're in touch. At least I know what people are up to. I like that. I wouldn't ever want it to stop.
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