There, it's done
Now doesn't that feel better?
I've picked both my pieces, spoken them aloud, I love them both, I love doing them, I love the different feelings that I get from saying each one, I'm confident that the feelings are different enough to be considered "contrasting" - that word has been the bane of my existence until now - and it's done. IT'S DONE!
Now I still have a shitload of work to do, but... I got up and did it. The Libran has made a decision! Oh frabjous day! Calloo, callay!!
I can't think about whether they're the "strongest choices" I could have made. They're pieces that I love and feel connected to. What more could anyone ask? I have to quiet that little voice that keeps saying, "Probably still won't get in." Well, it's true, the odds are against me. But goddam it they've had me back 5 years now. You'd think they'd get rid of me if they weren't interested.
And I get to audition in Toronto, on the Elgin stage!! It's a 1500 seat venue and it's beautiful. If that's not inspiring, I don't know what is.
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