the daily procrastinator

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Home in Toronto!

Moved into the Ranch in Toronto. Vacuumed the stairs leading up to our apartment today, which were disgusting. I know there are a lot higher priorities, but I couldn't keep walking up those stairs past huge wads of hair every time I came home. So gross. Hired professional cleaners who came yesterday. The guy was wearing his grumpypants, muttering about not being used to opium dens and how could anyone live like this. Until I put on Ryan's Blues Mix for him. Then he started humming along, exlaiming at every new song, informing me of the artist and the date the track was recorded and when the singer had died and how. Then he said, "Anytime you need a cleaner again, call me." So, that was good. Anything to keep the guy happy.


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