Ba baaaa! This is the sound of settling!
For those of you unfamiliar with that lyric, it is in fact a lyric and not a sheep noise. It's from a song called, you guessed it - The Sound of Settling, and it accurately describes what I'm doing in Toronto these days.
Most of the stuff that I am having shipped from Calgary has arrived, which means it now looks like I actuallylive here - hooray. I have a stereo and books and a bathrobe and my own pillow - mmmm.
I have a job - yes, I have finally taken the plunge and gotten a job doing what most people do all day - nothing. Yes! I am now a receptionist! Aughhhhhhh!!!! It's really an adjustment, getting used to the idea that I know what I will be doing from Monday to Friday afternoons for the indefinite future. I haven't experienced this feeling since I was in school. But hey - I have a job that pays money. This is a good thing, in Toronto.
I also (almost) have an agent, which is an even better thing for an actor in Toronto. I'm meeting with one other person and then I think I'm gonna sign with BRB, which is a large and reputable agency and they're really nice there.
I enjoy walking in this city, and I enjoy the fact that there is always something to do. Of course, that means that there is also always something to spend money on, but I'm sure I'll get used to that and someday soon will stop dropping obscene amounts of cash on anything that plays music, makes you laugh, or gets you drunk.
For those of you who read this thing, I'm sorry I've been so bad about updates, but I'm sure I will get better now that I get paid to sit on my ass for 4 hours a day. Oh, and answer phones. Yes.